Well, well, well, you come here to ask about that “am I explaining it well” thingy in the crossword, huh? I gotta tell ya, these crossword puzzles, they ain’t as easy as they look. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I still try to figure ’em out. Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don’t. But that’s life, ain’t it?
So, this “am I explaining it well” thing, it’s got folks stumped. You see it in those USA Today puzzles, them quick ones. People are searchin’ high and low for the answer, like a needle in a haystack, I tell ya. They go lookin’ on the internet, askin’ everyone they know. Seems like everyone’s got a different idea about what it could be. But you know what they say, too many cooks spoil the broth.

I seen folks say there’s like, thirty different answers! Thirty! Can you believe it? Makes my head spin just thinkin’ about it. Another person said one answer. One! Then some other fella said forty possible answers. Forty! Who knows what’s right anymore? It’s like tryin’ to catch a greased pig at the county fair. You think you got it, and then whoosh! It slips right through your fingers.
I seen this clue, “am I explaining it well,” pop up on July 11th, I think it was. Yeah, July 11th. That’s what them internet folks are sayin’, anyway. They got all sorts of fancy websites with answers and solutions and whatnot. They call it a “walkthrough.” Sounds like somethin’ you do in the woods, if you ask me.
- Some folks say it’s got five letters.
- Others say it could be a whole bunch of different things.
- It’s a real head-scratcher, that’s for sure.
Now, I ain’t no expert on these crossword clue things. I just try my best, same as everyone else. Sometimes I just guess, you know? Throw somethin’ at the wall and see if it sticks. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don’t. But that’s the fun of it, ain’t it? The challenge. Keeps your mind workin’, even when your body’s gettin’ old and tired.
This “am I explaining it well crossword clue” is a tough one, I’ll give ya that. It ain’t like askin’ what’s the color of the sky or what sound a cow makes. This one makes you think. Makes you scratch your head and ponder. And sometimes, that’s a good thing. Keeps you on your toes.
I remember one time, I was workin’ on a crossword, and I was stuck on a clue for hours. Couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. I asked my neighbor, Mildred, she’s a smart cookie, that one. She didn’t know either. We sat there on the porch, sippin’ sweet tea, tryin’ to figure it out. Finally, I gave up. Went inside, made myself a sandwich, and forgot all about it. Then, wouldn’t you know it, the answer came to me when I was washin’ dishes! Just popped into my head like a bolt of lightnin’.
These crossword things, they’re like that sometimes. You gotta let ’em go, let your mind wander a bit. Then, maybe, just maybe, the answer will come to ya. Or maybe it won’t. And that’s okay too. It ain’t the end of the world if you don’t get every single answer right.

So, you keep lookin’ for that “am I explaining it well” answer. You keep searchin’ and askin’. And maybe, one day, you’ll find it. And when you do, you’ll feel like you climbed Mount Everest. Or maybe you won’t find it. And that’s okay. There’s always another puzzle, another day. It is important to know how to explain it.
This clue, “am I explaining it well” it is a mystery. There are related clues, I have seen it one time. You keep trying, that is all you can do. I hope you find the correct answer. This crossword thing is not easy. But you try your best, and that is what is important.