Alright, folks, let’s dive into this little experiment I did the other day. I’ve always wondered, does heavy rain affect well water? I mean, it seems like a no-brainer, right? More water equals more problems? But I wanted to see for myself.
The Setup
So, I live out in the country, and we rely on a well for all our water needs. We got hit with a massive storm a few days ago. I’m talking about a real downpour, the kind that makes you want to stay inside with a good book. As the rain was pounding down, I got to thinking about our well.
The Experiment Begins
First thing I did was grab a flashlight and head outside. I know, I know, not the brightest idea during a storm, but hey, I was on a mission. I wanted to see if the water level in the well was rising. It wasn’t exactly a scientific measurement, but I could see that the water was definitely higher than usual. Then I checked to see if the well pump works. It didn’t work at all. I remembered the pump might have been struck by lightning, and there may be a short or surge in the power to my well. After I turned the circuit breaker on and off, the pump worked again.
The Waiting Game
Now came the hard part – waiting. After the storm passed, I waited a day to let things settle down. I knew that during heavy rain, wells could get flooded, and that could mess with the water quality. You hear stories about bacteria and all sorts of nasty stuff getting in there, and trust me, coliform bacteria is not something you want in your water.
Testing the Waters (Literally)
Once the waiting was over, I went for it. I collected a sample from our tap and took it to the local lab for testing. They have all these fancy machines that can tell you exactly what’s in your water. I was half expecting them to tell me I was growing a third arm or something. I also noticed the brown and red stains on my sink, which probably means there was iron in my water.
The Results Are In
A few days later, I got the call. Drumroll, please… The results were actually pretty good! There were some minor changes, but nothing alarming. The lab guy said it’s normal to see some fluctuations after heavy rain, but our well water was still safe to use. Phew, that was a relief!
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it. Heavy rain can affect well water, but it’s not always a disaster. It’s definitely a good idea to keep an eye on your well during and after storms, and getting your water tested regularly is just smart. And hey, if you’re ever in doubt, bottled water is your friend until you can confirm your well water is safe.
This whole thing was a good reminder that nature can be unpredictable, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to something as essential as your water supply. Stay safe out there, folks!