Inside Out 2 and Them New Feelings: What’s All the Fuss About?
Alright, so I heard folks talkin’ ’bout this Inside Out 2 movie, and they say it’s got all these new feelin’s in it. Like, more than just happy and sad and them other ones from the first movie. Now, I ain’t no fancy doctor or nothin’, but I got feelin’s too, same as everyone else. And this movie, it got me thinkin’ ’bout how we all got different parts inside us, you know?

This Inside Out 2, they say it’s got this “Internal Family Systems” thing, or “IFS” for short. Sounds mighty complicated, don’t it? But from what I gather, it’s kinda like sayin’ we got a whole bunch of folks livin’ inside our heads, each one with their own job and way of doin’ things. Like, you got your happy part that likes to sing and dance, and then you got your scared part that hides under the bed when it thunders.
- Anxiety: This one’s a new fella in the movie, I hear. Always frettin’ and worryin’, like my old hen when a hawk’s circlin’ overhead. It’s that feelin’ you get when you think somethin’ bad’s gonna happen, even if it ain’t.
- Envy: Oh, this one’s a sneaky one. It’s when you see your neighbor got a new tractor and you start thinkin’, “Why ain’t I got one of them?” It ain’t a good feelin’, makes you all sour inside.
- Embarrassment: We all know this one, don’t we? It’s that burnin’ in your cheeks when you trip and fall in front of everyone, or when you say somethin’ silly and everyone laughs.
- Ennui: Now, this one’s a bit fancy-pants. It’s like when you just feel blah, like nothin’ matters much. Kinda like sittin’ on the porch swing on a hot afternoon, just starin’ off into space.
So, this movie, it shows how all these feelin’s, or parts, they all tryin’ to get along inside this girl Riley’s head. And sometimes they fight, just like real families do. Like when Anxiety takes over and starts makin’ all the decisions, it can make things pretty messy. Reminds me of when my cousin Mildred took over plannin’ the family reunion, and everything went haywire!
But the thing is, all these parts, even the ones that seem bad, like Envy or Anxiety, they’re just tryin’ to help in their own way. They think they’re protectin’ us, even if they ain’t doin’ a very good job of it. Like, Anxiety might be tryin’ to keep us safe, but it just ends up makin’ us scared to do anythin’.
The movie, it seems like it’s tryin’ to tell us that we gotta listen to all our parts, even the ones we don’t like. We gotta understand why they’re there and what they’re tryin’ to do. And we gotta learn to work together, so they ain’t all fightin’ all the time. It’s like, you got a whole team of horses pullin’ your wagon, and if they ain’t all pullin’ in the same direction, you ain’t gonna get very far.
I reckon this “IFS” thing is just a fancy way of sayin’ what folks have known for a long time: we’re complicated critters, us humans. We got all sorts of different sides to us. And it’s okay to have all them different feelin’s, even the ones that ain’t so pleasant. It’s what makes us who we are. Just gotta learn how to manage ’em, that’s all. Like, you wouldn’t let one stubborn mule drag your whole wagon off the road, would ya? Same thing with your feelin’s.
So, I ain’t seen this movie yet, but from what I hear, it’s got folks thinkin’ ’bout their own insides and how all them different parts work together. And that ain’t a bad thing, is it? Maybe we can all learn a little somethin’ from it, even if we ain’t got no fancy degrees or nothin’. ‘Cause at the end of the day, we all just tryin’ to make sense of this crazy world and all the feelin’s that come with it.

And that, I reckon, is somethin’ we can all understand, whether we’re young or old, city folk or country folk like me. We all got them parts inside, and we all gotta learn how to live with ’em.
More about Inside Out 2 and those inner voices
Folks keep jabberin’ about this Inside Out 2 film, and from what I gather, it’s all about figurin’ out them voices in your head. Not the crazy kind, mind you, but the ones that tell you you’re not good enough, or the ones that make you want what your neighbor’s got. They call it ‘emotions,’ I reckon, or in this here movie, ‘parts.’
Now, I ain’t one for fancy book learnin’, but even I know what it’s like to have a battle goin’ on inside. One minute you’re happy as a clam, and the next you’re frettin’ over somethin’ that probably ain’t even gonna happen. It’s like havin’ a whole bunch of different folks livin’ in your head, all pullin’ you in different directions.
And this here movie, it sounds like it’s tryin’ to make sense of all that. It’s got these little characters that represent different emotions, like Joy and Sadness from the first movie, but now they got new ones, like that Anxiety fella and that Envy gal. And they’re all tryin’ to be in charge, which is bound to cause a ruckus.
This ‘IFS’ thing they talk about, it’s just a way of understandin’ that all them parts, even the ones that seem like trouble, they’re just tryin’ to help. They think they’re keepin’ you safe or gettin’ you what you need, but sometimes they go about it the wrong way. Like that Anxiety fella, he might think he’s protectin’ you by makin’ you worry all the time, but all he’s really doin’ is makin’ you miserable.

So, the trick is to learn how to listen to all them parts, even the ones you don’t like, and figure out what they’re really tryin’ to say. And then you gotta find a way to get them all workin’ together, so they ain’t fightin’ all the time. It ain’t easy, mind you, but it’s worth it. ‘Cause when all them parts are in harmony, you feel a whole lot better, like a well-oiled machine instead of a rickety old wagon.
I reckon this movie is tryin’ to tell us that it’s okay to have all them different emotions, even the ones that make you uncomfortable. It’s part of bein’ human. And the more you understand them, the better you can handle them. It’s like learnin’ to drive a team of horses. You gotta know each horse’s temperament and how to get them to pull together, or you ain’t gonna get nowhere.
So, I’m lookin’ forward to seein’ this Inside Out 2. Maybe it’ll give me some new ideas about how to deal with all them voices in my head. And even if it don’t, it sounds like it’ll be a good story. ‘Cause at the end of the day, we all got them parts inside us, and we’re all just tryin’ to figure out how to live with ‘em.
And that, I believe, is somethin’ worth thinkin’ about, whether you’re a young whippersnapper or an old biddy like me. We’re all just muddlin’ through, tryin’ to make sense of it all.