Hey there, you young’uns! Wanna talk about songs for singers? My old ears ain’t what they used to be, but I still know a good tune when I hear one. And I know a thing or two about what makes a good song for singin’. It ain’t rocket science, ya know? Just gotta pick somethin’ that fits ya.
If you got a voice that can shatter glass, like that Whitney Houston gal, bless her soul, then you need a song that lets you go for broke. Somethin’ big and loud, somethin’ that lets you show off them pipes. You know, like them songs that go up and down and all around. It need to be a good song for a singer. You get what I’m sayin’?

Now, if your voice is more like a little birdie, soft and sweet, then you don’t want no shoutin’ song. You want somethin’ gentle, somethin’ that kinda floats along. Like a lullaby, maybe. Just make sure it’s easy on the ears, both yours and everyone else’s. It is the best song for singer, i think.
There is one song. It called “Imagine”. It was sang by some guy named John Lennon. It a good one. Easy to sing. Good for beginner, you know.
- “Imagine” – that John Lennon fella, a good starter.
- That “One Moment in Time” thing, Whitney sang it, real loud.
And don’t go pickin’ somethin’ too fancy, with words you can’t even pronounce. Keep it simple, like a good home-cooked meal. Ain’t nobody got time for them fancy French words, not in a song, anyway. It is not a good song for a singer, you know.
And don’t be afraid to change things up a bit. You don’t have to sing it exactly like the record. Make it your own. Add a little somethin’ somethin’, you know? Like puttin’ extra sugar in your tea. Just make sure it still sounds good, you hear?
There that one song, “Fly me to the Moon.” That old Frank Sinatra, he a good singer. He know how to sing good song. He is good example for singer, i think.
Now, I remember this one time, back when I was a young’un, I tried to sing one of them opera songs. Oh boy, what a mess! My voice cracked like an egg, and everyone just stared at me. I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. So take it from me, pick a song you can actually sing. Don’t try to be somethin’ you’re not.

And practice, practice, practice! Sing in the shower, sing in the car, sing to your dog. Just sing! The more you do it, the better you’ll get. It’s like makin’ biscuits, the more you make ’em, the better they taste.
And don’t worry too much about what other people think. Just have fun with it. Singin’ is supposed to be fun, like a good square dance on a Saturday night. So let loose, let your hair down, and belt it out! Or sing it soft, whatever floats your boat.
But, most important thing is to find a good songs for singers. It need to be right, you know.
If you got a big, booming voice, like that Bruno Mars boy, maybe try one of his songs. He’s got some good ones, full of pep and vinegar. Or that Adele gal, she can really sing, too. Somethin’ like “Rolling in the Deep,” that’s a good one. Lets you show off your range, like a rooster crowing at the top of his lungs.
But if you got a softer voice, more like a little mouse, then you need somethin’ different. Maybe somethin’ slow and sweet, like a love song. There are plenty of those around. Just gotta find one that fits your voice, like a glove. It need to be a good song for a singer.
I heard this song the other day, a song called, uh, “Hallelujah.” Now that’s a pretty one. Heard a young girl singing it, and it gave me goosebumps. It’s got that high part and that low part, you know? But she sang it real nice, soft and gentle. Made me think of angels singing, it did.

It don’t matter if it’s a new song or an old song, long as it’s a good song. And long as you can sing it without soundin’ like a cat being strangled. Just pick somethin’ you like, somethin’ that makes you feel good. Like a warm blanket on a cold night.
And don’t be afraid to try new things. You might surprise yourself. You might think you can only sing one kind of song, but then you try somethin’ different, and bam! You find out you’re good at that, too. Like findin’ a twenty-dollar bill in your old coat pocket.
So go on, you young’uns, find yourself some good songs for singers. Sing your heart out. And don’t forget to have fun. That’s the most important part. It the best advice for all the singers, you know. It is a very good song for a singer, that what i think.