Alright, so you wanna know about this fella, Chris Stapleton, and that Thunder Ridge place, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, but I can tell ya what I know.
First off, this Chris fella, he’s a singer. A real good one, too, from what folks say. He sings them country songs, you know, the kind that make you wanna tap your feet and maybe shed a tear or two. I heard some of his songs on the radio, and they ain’t half bad. They talk about love and life and all that stuff. Real down-to-earth kinda music, not like that screaming stuff the young’uns listen to these days.

Now, this Thunder Ridge, that’s a place out in Missouri, somewhere near a town called Ridgedale, I think. It ain’t no city, that’s for sure. More like a big ol’ field with a stage, I reckon. They have them concerts there, you know, where folks come from all over to hear the music. Sounds like a good time, if you ask me. I ain’t never been, but I seen pictures, and it looks mighty purdy. Big open sky, lots of trees… Probably gets pretty hot in the summer though.
Seems like this Chris Stapleton fella, he done had himself a concert at Thunder Ridge not too long ago. June 13th, they say. Folks seemed to like it a lot. I saw somethin’ online about folks sayin’ the concert was “sweet as strawberry wine.” Now, I love me some strawberry wine, so that concert musta been somethin’ special. They even have websites where you can buy tickets to see him, Ticketmaster I think it was called. And you can find out all the other singers that’ll be at Thunder Ridge this summer, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.
I also heard tell that Chris Stapleton writes songs for other singers too. There’s this one song, “Love’s Gonna Make It Alright”, he wrote it with some other fella, and George Strait, now he’s a singer I know, sang it. That’s a real pretty song, makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. So this Chris fella, he’s talented, no doubt about it. He ain’t just some pretty face, he’s got the brains to go with it. And he didn’t get famous by going on them singing shows on TV neither, like American Idol or The Voice, not him. He did it the old fashioned way, with hard work and good music.
- Chris Stapleton sang at Thunder Ridge.
- Thunder Ridge is in Ridgedale, Missouri.
- Chris Stapleton writes songs too.
- You can buy tickets to see him on Ticketmaster.
- George Strait sang a song Chris Stapleton wrote.
Now, I ain’t sure what else to tell ya. But if you wanna know more, you can always go look it up on that there internet thingy. Just type in “Chris Stapleton Thunder Ridge” and you’ll find all sorts of stuff. Pictures, videos, maybe even some of them songs he sings. Just be careful, there’s a lot of junk on that internet, too. Stick to the good stuff, ya hear?
And if you ever get a chance to see Chris Stapleton in concert, well, I reckon you should go. Sounds like a good time, and who knows, maybe you’ll even get to taste some strawberry wine while you’re there. Wouldn’t that be somethin’? Just remember to bring a hat and some sunscreen, ‘cause like I said, it probably gets mighty hot out there in that field.
So, that’s the long and short of it. Chris Stapleton, Thunder Ridge, good music, and maybe some strawberry wine. What more could ya want? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go water my petunias before the sun gets too high. They don’t like the heat much neither.
Tags: [Chris Stapleton, Thunder Ridge, Concert, Country Music, Ridgedale, Missouri, George Strait, Ticketmaster, Love’s Gonna Make It Alright, Summer Concert]