So, you wanna know what size well tank do i need, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, it ain’t as simple as pickin’ a pumpkin at the market. There’s a few things you gotta think about, or else you’ll be up a creek without a paddle, or, well, without water in this case.
First thing’s first, you gotta figure out how much water your pump pushes out. They call it the “flow rate,” which is just a fancy way of sayin’ how many gallons it pumps every minute. You see that number on your pump, probably. Should be on there like a price tag at the five and dime.

Now, if your pump spits out 10 gallons a minute or less, you want that tank to hold at least one gallon for every minute the pump runs. It’s like, if that pump runs for one minute, you need at least one gallon of water stored. This makes sure that the well pressure tank have enough water. Make sense? Good. Keep the water flowin’, that’s the important part!
- Pump does 10 gallons a minute or less?
- You need a tank that holds one gallon for every minute of pump run time.
Now, if your pump is a real gusher, pumpin’ more than 10 gallons a minute, then you need even more storage. We’re talkin’ at least 1.5 gallons for every minute it runs. That pump is workin’ hard, so it needs a bigger tank to rest in, kinda like givin’ a workhorse a bigger stall, right? These are all for what size well tank do i need.
- Pump does MORE than 10 gallons a minute?
- You need 1.5 gallons of storage for every minute of pump run time.
- That pump needs a place to rest!
If you got a real monster pump, pushin’ out more than 20 gallons a minute, well, bless your heart, you might need more than one tank! Just like spreadin’ out your taters in the cellar, you gotta spread out that water so it don’t all go bad at once, or, you know, overwhelm your system and cause a ruckus.
Think of it like this. That water tank, they call it a “pressure tank,” it’s like a big ol’ storage bin for your water. It keeps the water pressure steady, so you ain’t gettin’ a dribble one minute and a flood the next. It’s important, see? It is about what size well tank do i need. You need that steady pressure to keep things runnin’ smooth, like a well-oiled tractor.
They talk about this thing called “drawdown,” which is just how much water that tank can give you before the pump kicks back on. Like, how much water you can use before things start gettin’ shaky. You want a good drawdown, so you ain’t runnin’ that pump ragged, on and off, on and off, all day long. That’ll wear it out faster than a cheap pair of shoes. The drawdown will help to know what size well tank do i need.
So, how do you figure out all this mumbo jumbo, you ask? Well, there’s these formulas and whatnot, but really, it comes down to how much water you use. Think about how many folks you got in your house, how many showers you take, how much you water your garden. The more water you use, the bigger the tank you need.

It’s like when you’re cannin’ tomatoes. If you got a big family, you need a whole lot of jars. If it’s just you and the cat, well, a few jars will do ya. Same idea with the water tank. Bigger need for water means a bigger need for a tank. This is very important for what size well tank do i need.
Now, some folks say a bigger tank is always better, and there’s some truth to that. It’s like havin’ extra flour in the pantry. It’s nice to have a little cushion, especially if you’re expectin’ company or a drought hits. A bigger tank means your pump don’t have to work as hard, and that’s always a good thing. Saves wear and tear, and maybe even a little on your electric bill.
But don’t go gettin’ a tank the size of a silo unless you really need it! That’s just overkill, like usin’ a sledgehammer to swat a fly. You gotta find that sweet spot, that balance between too big and too small. That is for what size well tank do i need.
And don’t forget to check that pressure switch, too! That little gadget tells the pump when to turn on and off. It’s like the boss of the whole operation. If that thing’s on the fritz, your whole system will be out of whack, no matter how big your tank is.
When the tank is full of water, the pressure switch stay off. The pressure switch is another factor to think about what size well tank do i need.
So, there you have it. It ain’t rocket science, but it ain’t exactly child’s play either. Just remember to think about your pump’s flow rate, how much water you use, and that drawdown thing. And if you’re still confused, just ask around. Somebody in town probably knows a thing or two about wells and tanks. We all gotta help each other out, right? That’s how we do things ’round here. Good luck, and may your water always run clear and strong!