Okay, so I’ve been messing around with this whole well water thing, and I wanted to see if it was the same as distilled water. I mean, they both look clear, right? So, I got it in my head to run a little experiment.
First, I grabbed a sample of well water from my backyard. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds. I had to fiddle with the pump and all that, but eventually, I got a decent amount in a clean container. I made sure everything I used was super clean because I didn’t want to mess up my results with some random gunk.

Then, I started looking into how to actually distill water. I read that it’s basically boiling water and then collecting the steam, which turns back into water. Sounds simple enough, but I didn’t have any fancy equipment. So, I rigged up something with a big pot, a smaller bowl, and some ice.
I put the well water in the big pot and placed the smaller bowl inside to catch the “distilled” water. Then I put a lid on the pot, upside down, so the steam would hit it, condense, and drip into the bowl. I filled a bag with ice and placed it on the lid. I put the pot on the stove and turned up the heat.
Watching the water boil was pretty boring, but I was stoked to see if it would actually work. After a while, I started to see droplets forming on the lid and falling into the bowl. It was working! I kept it going until I had a decent amount of water in the bowl.
- Collected well water
- Boiled well water
- Collected condensed steam
Once it cooled down, I compared the “distilled” well water with the original well water and some store-bought distilled water I picked up. Honestly, they all looked the same. Clear and watery, you know? I even tasted a little of each, but I’m no expert, they tasted pretty much the same to me, too.
So, what did I actually find out? Well, I proved to myself that you can make something that looks and tastes a lot like distilled water from well water, using stuff you have at home. But, whether it’s truly the same on a scientific level, like, if it’s totally pure and all that, I’m not really sure. I’d need some proper lab gear to test for that, I guess.
My Conclusion
My little experiment was fun, and it showed me that the basic idea of distilling is pretty straightforward. But it also made me realize that there’s probably a lot more to it if you want to be sure you’re getting real, pure distilled water. Maybe I’ll look into getting a real water distiller someday, just for kicks. For now, though, I’ll leave the real science to the scientists.