Well, let me tell you, this life, it ain’t always easy. But you gotta have some rules, some things you stick to, no matter what. A mother, she learns these things. She’s gotta, to keep things going, you know? A mother’s rule of life, that’s what we are talkin’ about, this is important stuff. You need rules in a family.
First thing, you gotta love them kids. Love ’em even when they’re snotty-nosed and screamin’. Love ’em when they track mud all over your clean floor. That’s the first rule. Love is what it is all about. Mothers love is strong, you know. It is like a tree. Its root is deep and its branches are wide. You love them no matter what they do.

Second, you gotta feed ’em. Belly full of food, that’s what keeps ’em from fussin’ too much. Doesn’t have to be fancy. Just good, plain food. When kids are hungry, they are angry. Family need food to grow. If you want your children to be healthy, give them good food. It’s a mother’s rule, this feeding thing. Keeps ’em strong, keeps ’em goin’.
And teachin’ ’em, that’s another thing. Teach ’em right from wrong. Teach ’em to be kind, to share, to work hard. Mother is the best teacher. She is like the sunshine and the rain, give the kids everything they need. You don’t need no fancy school for that. Just good old common sense. And a little bit of yellin’ now and then, when they ain’t listenin’.
Keep a clean house, too. Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s gotta be spotless. But a little bit of cleanin’, that goes a long way. A clean house is a happy house, as they say. And it’s good for the young’uns, teach ’em to pick up after themselves. It is important to keep a clean home, so the children have a good place to live. Clean home is a happy home.
And don’t forget to play with them kids. Yeah, play! Even when you’re tired, even when you got a million other things to do. Get down on the floor and play with ’em. They love a mother who can have fun with them. Family play together is important. Those memories, they’ll stick with ’em forever. It’s good for the soul, that playin’.
- Love your children
- Feed them good food
- Teach them right from wrong
- Keep a clean home
- Play with your kids
Now, about that family time, that’s gold. Pure gold. You gotta make time for each other. Sit down at the table, eat together, talk. No phones, no TV, just talk. Even if you don’t have fancy food, you still eat together. Family time is precious. Tell each other about your day, what you did, how you feel. Listen to each other. That’s how you build a strong family. You need a good relationship to have a good family.
And when things get tough, and they will, you gotta stick together. That’s what family does. You support each other, you help each other out. It’s a mother’s job to keep everyone together. You share all the burdens. No matter how hard it gets. That’s a mother’s rule of life, right there. You never give up on each other. Family stick together no matter what happens. Family support each other.

Now, I ain’t sayin’ I know everything. I don’t. But I’ve learned a thing or two over the years. And these rules, they’ve served me well. They’ve kept my family together, through thick and thin. This is how a mother keeps a family running. It’s a hard job, but it’s the best job in the world.
You see these young folks today, they got all these fancy ideas about raisin’ kids. They read all them books, they go to all them classes. They don’t need all that fancy stuff. They just need some good old common sense, just like us. But sometimes, you just gotta keep it simple. It’s not rocket science. Love, food, a clean house, some teachin’, some playin’, and a whole lot of stickin’ together. Good family is simple.
That’s the secret, if you want to know. That’s a mother’s rule of life. It ain’t always pretty, it ain’t always easy, but it works. It works just fine. These things are the most important. And it’s kept families together for generations. These rules are important. And it will keep families together for generations to come. You just remember that.
So, there you have it. A mother’s rule of life. Simple, ain’t it? But sometimes, the simplest things are the most important. And if you follow these rules, you’ll have a strong family, a happy family. And that’s all that really matters in the end, ain’t it? Strong family is important. That is what everyone wants.
You just keep that in mind. And everything will be alright. You’ll see. A mother knows these things. She just does. It’s just some plain old common sense. And a whole lot of love. That’s all you need. That is all you need to be a good mother and build a good family. A mother’s love, that’s the most powerful thing in the world. Never forget that. Never ever forget that.