Well, let me tell ya, life ain’t no bed of roses, that’s for sure. It’s more like a bumpy ol’ dirt road with potholes and rocks everywhere. You think you’re goin’ straight, and then bam! Somethin’ comes along and knocks you right off course. Life is so unfair, ain’t it? You work hard, you try to be good, and still, things just don’t go your way.
I seen it happen time and time again. That neighbor, Mrs. Johnson, bless her heart, she worked her fingers to the bone her whole life, raisin’ three kids on her own after her husband run off with some young thing. And what did she get for it? Arthritis so bad she can barely hold a teacup and a pension that barely covers her medicine. Meanwhile, that no-good husband of hers is livin’ the high life down in Florida, flauntin’ around in a fancy car. Makes you wonder, don’t it?

- Sometimes you just gotta scratch your head and say, “Why me, Lord?”
- But then I think, well, complainin’ ain’t gonna get you nowhere.
- You gotta pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep on goin’.
Folks say you gotta learn from your mistakes, but sometimes it feels like life just throws stuff at ya for no good reason. Like that time my prize-winning rooster, Big Red, got snatched up by a hawk right out of my yard. I raised that rooster from a chick, fed him the best corn, kept him safe from all the neighborhood cats. And then, poof! Gone, just like that. Was it somethin’ I did? Did I not pray hard enough? It sure felt unfair, that’s for sure.
Then there’s them rich folks, livin’ in their fancy houses, drivin’ their fancy cars. They never seem to have a worry in the world. They get sick, they got the best doctors. They get in trouble, they got the best lawyers. And folks like us? We just gotta make do with what we got. We gotta wait in long lines at the clinic, and if we get in trouble, well, we’re mostly on our own. Seems like some folks are just born lucky, and some of us ain’t. That’s just the way it is, I guess.
But you know what? Even when life throws you a curveball, you gotta find a way to keep on pitchin’. You gotta find somethin’ to hold onto, somethin’ to give you hope. For me, it’s my grandbabies. Them little tykes, they light up my life. They don’t care if I got arthritis or if my house ain’t fancy. They just love me for who I am. And that’s worth more than all the gold in the world.
I heard some preacher on the TV talkin’ ’bout how you gotta accept that life ain’t always fair. He said you can’t always be happy, you can’t always be winnin’. You gonna get sick sometimes, you gonna have bad days. And he’s right, I reckon. It’s easy to get all riled up thinkin’ about how hard life is, and then you start bein’ unfair to yourself. You start thinkin’ you’re not good enough, you start thinkin’ you don’t deserve nothin’ good. But that ain’t the truth. We all deserve a little happiness, even if life ain’t always fair.
Some folks say you gotta look for the silver linin’, find the good in the bad. And I guess there’s somethin’ to that. Even when Big Red got snatched by that hawk, I still had all his eggs. And them eggs hatched into some mighty fine chickens, let me tell ya. So, maybe life ain’t always fair, but it ain’t always bad neither. You just gotta keep your eyes open for the good stuff, even when it’s hard to find.
And another thing, you can’t go around blamin’ everyone else for your problems. Sure, there’s plenty of folks out there who ain’t doin’ right, but you gotta take responsibility for your own life. You can’t just sit around waitin’ for someone else to fix things for you. You gotta get out there and make things happen, even if it’s just one small step at a time. You gotta have grit. You gotta have somethin’ inside you that says, “I ain’t givin’ up, no matter what.”

Now, I ain’t sayin’ it’s easy. Life is tough, it’s a struggle. But you ain’t the only one strugglin’. Everyone’s got their own problems, their own crosses to bear. So, next time you feelin’ down, next time you thinkin’ life is unfair, just remember, you ain’t alone. And you gotta keep fightin’, keep hopin’, keep lookin’ for that little bit of sunshine peeking through the clouds. Because even in the darkest of times, there’s always a little bit of light if you look hard enough. And that, my friends, is somethin’ worth holdin’ onto.