Well, this here sign, it’s somethin’ else. Says, “and so together they built a life sign.” Makes ya think, don’t it? Reminds me of my old man, bless his soul. We didn’t have much, not two pennies to rub together sometimes. But we had each other, ya know?
We built a life, alright. Built it from the ground up, just like this sign says. Took a lot of work, lots of sweat and tears. But we did it. And we was happy. Happier than folks with all the money in the world, I reckon.

Startin’ Out, Just Like the Sign Says
- Just two young’uns, didn’t know nothin’ about nothin’.
- Had big dreams, though. Big as the sky.
- Wanted a little place of our own. A few chickens, maybe a cow.
- A place to raise our young’uns. And we had a whole passel of ’em, bless their hearts.
The sign, it’s got it right. You gotta work together. Like two oxen pullin’ a plow. Gotta pull in the same direction, or you ain’t goin’ nowhere. And we did. We pulled together. Through thick and thin, rain or shine, we stuck it out.
Hard times came, sure as the sun rises. Lost a crop one year, near starved to death. Another year, the well went dry. Had to haul water for miles. But we made it. We always made it. ‘Cause we had each other. And that’s what this sign is talkin’ about.
Workin’ Hard, Just Like the Sign Says
- Up before the sun, workin’ ’til dark.
- Hands all rough and calloused. Back achin’ somethin’ fierce.
- But we never gave up. Never lost hope.
- Knew we was buildin’ somethin’ special. Somethin’ that would last.
This “and so together they built a life” sign, it ain’t just words on a board. It’s a story. A story of love and hard work. A story of two people, buildin’ a life together. Just like me and my old man did. It’s the best kinda life there is, I tell ya.
We planted seeds, both in the ground and in our hearts. Watched ’em grow. Just like our love. Just like our family. Took a lot of tendin’, just like a garden. Weeding out the bad, waterin’ the good. And we had a good life, a beautiful life. This sign reminds me of all that.
Folks these days, they want everything easy. They want it handed to ’em on a silver platter. But that ain’t how life works. You gotta work for what you want. You gotta build it, just like this sign says.
Growin’ Old Together, Just Like the Sign Says
- Watched our young’uns grow up, have young’uns of their own.
- Got old and gray together. Wrinkles on our faces, but smiles in our hearts.
- Sat on the porch, holdin’ hands, watchin’ the sunset.
- Knew we’d built a good life. A life filled with love.
And now he’s gone. But the life we built, it’s still here. In our children, in our grandchildren. In the memories we made. It’ll last forever, long after I’m gone, too. That’s the power of buildin’ a life together. That’s what this sign is all about.

It’s a simple sign, really. Not fancy or nothin’. But it says a lot. Says more than a whole book full of words, I reckon. It’s a reminder that the best things in life ain’t things. They’re the people you share it with. And the life you build together.
So if you see this sign, “and so together they built a life,” you think about that. Think about the people you love. And the life you’re buildin’ together. ‘Cause that’s all that really matters in the end. That is what this sign is trying to tell you, the meaning is so true, ain’t it?