Well, let me tell ya, this “my crappy life” thing, it ain’t somethin’ new. Folks been havin’ crappy lives since the beginning of time, I reckon.
What’s a “blog” anyway? Sounds like somethin’ a frog makes in a pond. But this Rachelle Waterman gal, she had one, and they say it was all about her crappy life. Poor thing. I bet she didn’t have no good fried chicken or a warm quilt on a cold night. That’ll make your life crappy, for sure.

Now, they say she wrote all about her “emotional life” bein’ “numb and dead.” Sounds like my cousin Bessie after she lost her prize-winning rooster. Just mopin’ around, wouldn’t eat nothin’ but crackers. Life gets ya like that sometimes, I guess. Knocks the wind right outta your sails.
- Fear, she had fear too. Well, who don’t? I’m scared of snakes, thunderstorms, and that mean ol’ dog down the street. Fear’s just part of livin’, like breathin’ and eatin’.
- And “observations of life”? Honey, I could tell you a thing or two about observin’ life! I seen folks come and go, crops grow and die, and the sun rise and set more times than I can count. That’s life, ain’t it? Ups and downs, like a bumpy dirt road.
They say her thoughts were “important.” Well, I guess everybody thinks their thoughts are important. Mine sure are to me! Like yesterday, I was thinkin’ about how much rain we need for the corn to grow. That’s important! Without corn, we ain’t got nothin’ to eat.
This “government” and “interest rates” and “communism” stuff, that’s just a bunch of hooey to me. Sounds like somethin’ them city slickers talk about. I just care about my family, my garden, and keepin’ a roof over my head. That’s the real important stuff, not all that fancy talk.
They say her blog was “key evidence” in somethin’. Land sakes, what kind of trouble did that girl get herself into? I always told my kids, stay outta trouble, work hard, and be kind to folks. That’s the best way to live, not writin’ all your business online for the whole world to see.
And this “Craig” fella, she called him “Hell, Alaska.” Well, that ain’t very nice, is it? Maybe he deserved it, maybe he didn’t. I ain’t one to judge. But name-callin’ ain’t gonna solve nothin’, I can tell you that.
“Goth phase,” they say. What in tarnation is a “goth phase”? Sounds like somethin’ you catch from eatin’ bad meat. When I was young, we didn’t have no “phases.” We just worked hard and tried to make a decent life for ourselves.

They called her blog “warped” and said it showed a “darker side.” Well, everybody’s got a darker side, don’t they? We all got secrets and things we ain’t proud of. That’s just bein’ human. But you don’t go broadcastin’ it all over the internet, for cryin’ out loud!
This whole “my crappy life” thing, it just makes me sad. Life ain’t always easy, that’s for sure. But you gotta make the best of it. You gotta find the joy in the little things, like a sunny day, a good cup of coffee, or a hug from your grandkids. That’s what really matters, not all this “blogging” and “internet” stuff.
So, if you’re feelin’ like your life is crappy, just remember, you ain’t alone. Everybody goes through tough times. But don’t dwell on the negative. Find somethin’ to be grateful for, and keep on keepin’ on. That’s the secret to a good life, I reckon. And maybe eat some fried chicken, that always helps.
Anyways, that’s my two cents on this whole “my crappy life” thing. Don’t know if it helps anyone, but it’s the truth as I see it. And Lord knows, I’ve seen a whole heap of truth in my time.
In the end, seems like this Rachelle just needed someone to talk to, someone to listen. We all do, sometimes. Maybe if she’d had a good friend, a kind neighbor, or just a big plate of biscuits and gravy, things would have turned out different. Life’s a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, and served with a side of grits, that’s for sure.
Tags: [Rachelle Waterman, My Crappy Life, Blog, Emotional Life, Alaska, Investigation]