Well, let me tell ya about this Amaze Light Festival in Chicago, ya know, the one they’re all chirpin’ about. It’s a big to-do, they say, with lights everywhere. Like, a whole lotta lights! They say it’s more’n a million of ’em. Can ya believe that? A million lights! What a waste of ‘lectricity, I say, but the young’uns, they seem to like it.

They got this thing goin’ on at some place called Impact Field in Rosemont. Rosemont, huh? That’s a ways out, but folks are goin’ all the way out there. Must be somethin’ special, I reckon. They say it’s for everyone, old and young, to get into the holiday spirit. Spirit, huh? Back in my day, spirit was about workin’ hard and not wastin’ money on fancy lights. But times, they change, I guess.
- They got food, so that’s good, I guess. Can’t have a shindig without somethin’ to eat.
- And music too. Lord knows what kinda music they play these days. Probably nothin’ like the good ol’ country tunes I like.
- And they say there’s dancin’. Dancin’! My old bones ain’t up for that no more. Let the young folks shake their tail feathers, I say.
They started this thing…when was it? Said it was “officially open today,” whenever that was. Don’t keep track of these things like I used to. But folks are excited, that’s for sure. Talkin’ ’bout it all over town. “Sparkle” this and “celebration” that. Sounds like a lot of hullabaloo to me.
And then there’s that other light thing, the Magnificent Mile Lights Festival. That one’s downtown, on Michigan Avenue, Fancy place, that Michigan Avenue. They got a parade, with Mickey and Minnie Mouse leadin’ the way. Mickey and Minnie? Grown folks goin’ crazy over cartoon mice. Times sure have changed. The parade starts in the evenin’, around five-thirty, six o’clock, somethin’ like that. They light up a tree, big as all outdoors, I bet.
So, what’s the difference between these two light shows? Well, the Amaze one is out in Rosemont, at that Impact Field place, and it’s got a whole bunch of lights, food, music, and dancin’. It’s like a big ol’ party. The Magnificent Mile one is downtown, and it’s got a parade with Mickey Mouse and a big tree lightin’. It’s more of a show, I reckon.
Now, I ain’t been to either of these light festivals myself. Too much crowdin’ and noise for my likin’. But folks seem to enjoy ’em. They take their kids, their grandkids, their friends. They take pictures and post ’em all over that internet thingy. It’s all “ooh” and “ahh” and “look at this!” I tell ya, young folks these days, they gotta have their entertainment. Can’t just sit on the porch and enjoy the quiet like we used to.
But if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ to do durin’ the holidays, and you don’t mind the crowds and the cold, then these light festivals might be just the ticket. Just bundle up good, ’cause Chicago winters ain’t no joke. And bring plenty of money, ’cause nothin’s cheap these days. And don’t forget to watch out for pickpockets and all them city slickers. They’ll take your money faster than a chicken can peck corn.

Amaze Light Festival, Magnificent Mile Lights Festival… It’s all a bit much for me, to be honest. But if it makes folks happy, then I guess it’s alright. Just don’t ask me to go. I’ll be stayin’ home, warm and cozy, with a cup of hot tea and a good book. That’s my kinda celebration.
So, if you’re in Chicago around the holidays, check out these light shows. You might like ‘em. And if you see me sittin’ on the porch, mind your manners and give a wave. I might just wave back.
Tags: [Amaze Light Festival, Magnificent Mile Lights Festival, Chicago, Rosemont, Holiday, Lights, Festival, Family, Activities, Christmas]